Municipal elections 13.4.2025
I am a candidate in the municipal elections because I don’t only want to complain about how things are, I also want to take action to improve them. Being a candidate is a natural way to participate in democratic decision-making. I value community, hold a worldview that I would describe as scientific and enjoy the company of my loved ones and the stories we tell each other. I am a candidate for Tampereen Vihreät, the Green Party.
Municipal politics is a bit of a weird sport. I’m hoping the representatives who get elected into the city council are reasonable people, with whom it is possible to hold a conversation and to work together to develop the city in a healthy direction. Our decision-making process should be robust in such a way that people can trust their taxes are spent responsibly and that the city provides it’s services at sufficient quantity and quality.
If you are unfamiliar with the Finnish Green Party, you can find the best summary of who we are from our political programme.
For my campaign, I will try to split my time between writing these campaign materials and then going out there to spread the message to as many people as I can. I am already feeling a bit of a competitive spirit; I want to get a good amount of votes for my group and for my own stash. As you might be aware, the world is not yet complete and if we want to change something about it, it is within our power to try to do so.
I will write on this page all things relevant to my campaign. This follows my ideal of transparency in politics, both during and after elections. If there is a specific issue you want to know my opinion on, you can contact me with the social links below or join the conversation on Threads. Otherwise I will focus on issues I find the most important.
Election Themes
1. If climate emergency is not declared nationwide, we can do it locally
Municipal citizens have the right to know that the city is led by people who take climate change seriously. The current climate strategy paper expires in 2030. We need to achieve the goals of the current strategy and begin planning for the next one. The goal should be to first become carbon neutral and then carbon negative.
Reaching our climate goals in time can not be done through deployment of technological solutions alone. No matter how much we zone for renewable energy, manufacture synthetic and bio fuels and build charging stations for electric vehicles, and possibly look into small modular nuclear power, we must first and foremost reduce consumption and turn to low-emission alternatives in purchases made by the city. At the same time we will continue to develop public transportation, build for high residential density and short distances to services, while protecting the city’s forests, lakes and local nature.
I’ve written more on climate change here.
2. Special focus on schools and the youth
Group sizes in schools, teacher turnover rate and sick leaves, school bullying and learning results must be regularly monitored by the education board. Schools need peace for learning, but also sufficient resources. The city must ensure there are enough teaching assistants, special education teachers, school social workers and psychologists. Additional training for teachers must be available, encouraged and rewarded in pay. Schools should promote and further develop democracy education and anti-racism education.
3. Access to work improves social security and urban safety
Employment brings security to individuals and thus to all residents. When the employment and economic development services (TE-services) are transferred from the state to the city, we must seize the opportunity and find work for our over 23000 unemployed people. Work should not be a privilege, and it should not be as cumbersome to mold a career for yourself, be it part-time, temporary or in the public, private or the third sector. To improve work-life balance and share work more evenly, the city should offer a 4-day work week where applicable.
Safety is also created by functional social and health services, substance abuse services and prevention of homelessness. Tampere should increase the capacity of shelters for victims of domestic abuse.
Full list of Green candidates in Tampere
For the county election (which is a separate thing), check out the candidates set by Pirkanmaan Vihreät.
Climate Neutral Tampere 2030 Roadmap
YLE, 17.9.2024: Tampereen turvakodit ovat niin täynnä, että yli 150 ihmistä ei ole mahtunut sisälle